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CELFINET finalist at the COTEC-BPI SME Innovation Award 2018

CELFINET among the 6 finalists at the COTEC-BPI SME Innovation Award 2018.

CELFINET among the 6 finalists on this year’s edition of SME Innovation Award by COTEC-BPI

At present, COTEC is recognized as the leading business association responsible for promoting innovation and technological business cooperation within the Portuguese Market.

Every year, the COTEC-BPI SME Innovation award recognizes small and medium-sized enterprises that stood out on the Portuguese landscape due to its innovative activity and fierce attitude.

The awards ceremony took place on November 20, at the 8th SME Innovation Meeting, in Benedita, Alcobaça. On the jury, important figures such as Artur Santos Silva from BPI (Portuguese Investment Bank), António Portela from Bial, and Isabel Mota from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Attributed by a jury mainly composed of directors from the largest economic groups in Portugal, the SME innovation Award distinguishes above all, excellence and rigor in the Portuguese industry.

With that in mind we’re proud to say that, due to our efforts in crafting these values over the past 12 years, CELFINET was able to place itself among the six finalists on this year’s edition.

Below you can see our presentation at the COTEC Awards Ceremony, which was hosted by our CEO & Founder, Nuno Ribeiro.






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