Key Features

  • High Granularity Measurements: 10 sec period
  • Measurements Synchronized with RAN PM counters
  • Dashboards and reports support major optimization actions and hardware investments decisions

Rethink your power consumption.

It's time to optimize your RAN energy usage


Measure Power consumption per component


Identify power saving actions


Energy billing reductions

Measurement Module

  • Monitor power consumption measurements for up to 64 components per site, with very high granularity, for precise analysis of RAN feature effectiveness
  • Uses Celfinet’s proprietary energy measurements appliance
  • Correlate energy consumption measurements with performance measurement KPIs for more detailed analysis, ensuring safe compromise between energy consumption and quality of service

Analisys Module

  • Breakdown by base station board, identifying boards’ consumption profiles
  • Energy cost calculation

Act Module

  • Support major optimization actions and hardware investments decisions, via dashboards and reports

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